The first and most trying part of the big move is organizing my stuff for the movers, the storage room and the junk guy. Defining what is JUNK, sorting out what is necessary and what is luxury.
Secondly and most stressful was trying to organize Caesars travel itinerary. He's cargo, but he's not really cargo, as First Air reminded me he's not a chair, so he falls inbetween chair and paying rider. We re-unite on Jan.12 if the dog gods co operate with the weather gods and he can complete his journey as planned.
For the junk guy, I filled the garage. This didn't come easy and I constantly reminded myself that stuff is not people. Things my mother or daughter had given me over the years had finally found a place in the junk pile. Sorry ladies. There is a possibility that my housing may be 65 sq M. Yipes, that's about 250 sq feet! Not much room for the unnecessary add-ons. This is a true test of my proclamation : I don't need anything more than a bed and a hotplate. Now just two days before Christmas, the junk is gone, the good stuff is in storage and the bare minimums are waiting on the movers. Last on the list is the sale of the beloved Matrix. She's a good car but I'll be glad to rid her to an appreciative owner. Together we logged over 120K km down that crappy 400, 401 drive in just over 2 yrs! I've logged nearly 800 000km in Katies lifetime. That highway has taken too much from me. BUBYE HIGHWAYS!
The great big sky and ocean view await. The local roads are rough, but for that I am thankful, as it means no pavement nor 10min waits to make a left hand turn hahaha!
Two days rest; Christmas and boxing day, then the movers, the truck and the final leg of my great escape from Central Ontario.
One last trip to the grocery store and liquor store to bring as much as the overage allows, therefore I won't be resorting to eating toast for three meals while I await my first paycheque!
Alan and I have planned to dine together on the 31st and at least have one day holiday before the new job starts, this is an opportunity for me to take some great pics of my new hometown.
See you from up north!
Oooooh! I was mentioned! Well if you need more toast let me know, I buy loads of bread...mind you its extra far for it to travel from London to Iqaluit...we'll see.
Hey --- I LOVE the blog! Hope dogbert likes his new frozen home!! Look out for the skitters, they're huge!!
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