As it happened, just as I was heading out on a rare work related trip; my computer broke. Seems Iqaluit repair folk were all out on vacay. Thinking that I could leave it for the week and upon my return pick it up and travel home with newly repaired laptop, I left it with a recommended shop in Ottawa. Sure enough on my return it wasn't of course. So sadly I trudge on home without it.
Eventually it arrived safely in the post!
Now it's catch-up time on the blog.

We lucked out with a patio table for this wonderful Blues Band playing on the Blues Barge at the "Liberty Wharf" Boston.

Boston- can't explain this boarded up house which was next to (not shown) a private yacht where we creeped the chef cooking dinner.

Downtown Boston-Boston Fire Department

Buskerfest Ottawa

too hot even for the wildlife.
Have been home for a couple of weeks now. When I departed Ottawa it was an ideal 23C the heat/humidity spell had broken. When I landed in Iqaluit the temperature read 9 or 10C. I breathed in the cool, fresh air. The breeze washed over me and I was relieved, and refreshed.
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