Here is Fidel, he is the neighbourhood dog. Friend to many dogs, except of course Caesar has to challenge him and not make a new friend. Fidel is often perched atop a snowmobile seeming ready to navigate as he looks down on the town below.
Remember when I said, the winter melt will yield more surprises? This is not really what I had in mind. I had this romantic idea that the with the snow buntings return, the arctic hare takes it's summer colours, that moss and indigenous flowers would blossom.
Okay so lots of you will be grossed out, be glad you don't have to see it quite so 3D. Oh and you can be happy that I didn't take a picture of the hoofed leg I came across in the winter. Such is the case where "country foods" are so widely eaten. As an eater of caribou, I understand that somewhere, a caribou died so we could enjoy it's lean meat in a stew! Yum! I just didn't expect to see it's leftover head on the road!
Fidel is gorgeous and that's a nice shot .. he looks so noble and dignified!
Fidel and his owner, Chris won the Skijoring race at Toonik tyme. Beauty and talent; that's Fidel!
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